Really? A no bra workout? I didn’t know that existed! I’ve heard before that yoga is a no bra workout but I strongly disagree. Those downward dog poses had my traditional sports bras thoroughly confused. It’s not just the blood flow that shifts toward your head. Those beautiful breasts may just pop right out the top if you’re not careful, or if you’re not wearing your Wrax.
The crow pose is it’s own unique struggle right? You’ve got your breasts coming out of the top of your bra, whilst trying to keep your knees up by your armpits, all while doing your best not to fall straight onto your gorgeous sweaty face.
Headstand, peacock and handstand poses are hard enough. You don’t need your boobs in the way. Wrax is great for yoga! It holds your breasts still, keeping them in place no matter what position or pose you’re holding. No more distraction or readjusting between poses. Cinch the straps to your preferred level of comfort and focus on that breath.
The Wrax System can help you hold those poses even longer so that you can get the most from your effort and from your body. Happy holding my friends and Namaste.